
Cylinder Bed Shape, Overlock Machine with Variable Top Feeder for Attaching CollarsAZF8400 class



  1. シリーズのシンボル
  2. クラスNo.: 84 = シリンダーベッドオーバーロック
  3. サブモデル: 00 = 1本針裾引き定規付き,  03 = 1本針地縫い,  20 = 2本針地縫い
  4. 針幅: O = 1本針,  X = 2.0 mm,  Y = 2.4 mm
  5. かがり幅: 3 = 3 mm,  4 = 4 mm,  5 = 5 mm
  6. 送り方式:  D = 正・逆差動可
  7. メス形状: F = 平メス,  A = 角メス
  8. 付帯装置
  9. 付帯装置


Model) Number of Needles) Number of Threads) Needle distance) Over-edge seam width) Stitch length) Differential ratio) Top feed back & forth movement (mm)) Pressor foot lift) Needle stroke) Machine Speed


1 needle 3 Thread Cylinder Bed Overlock Machine with Top Feeder, for Blind Hemming & General Seaming, Fitted with Hemming Guide
13-3, 41.0 - 3.21:0.8 - 1:2.39727.16,500


1 Needle 3 Thread Cylinder Bed Overlock Machine with Top Feeder, for General Seaming
13-3, 4, 51.0 - 3.21:0.8 - 1:2.39727.18,000


2 Needle 4 Thread Cylinder Bed Overlock Machine with Top Feeder, for General Seaming
242.44, 51.0 - 3.21:0.8 - 1:2.39727.16,500


Cylinder Bed Overlock Machine with Top Feeder with labor saving device
242.44, 51.0 - 3.21:0.8 - 1:2.39727.16,500